Impressum gem. §5 TMG
Redaktionelle Verantwortung gem. § 55 Abs.2 RStV
Urheberrecht / Copyright
Texts, images and compositions by Dr. Dr. Daniele G. Daude are protected works of literature, science and art in accordance with the German Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz § 2 UrhG) and German Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA). Do not use texts, images or compositions without authorization of the author and composer. Quotations are permitted according to § 51 UrhG as long as the use is justified by a special purpose. This is the case, for example, with explanations in the course of a scientific work. For quotation of Dr. Dr. Daniele G. Daude's lectures, interviews, articles, programme booklets and further writings, ensure that the name of the author is mentioned correctly, the length of the quotation is proportionate to its usefulness and that appropriate references are included.
By questions about copyright, please contact the author.
Dr. Dr. Daniele G. Daude
[email protected]